PerpHect Balance
We are a sick mob: hospitals are overflowing, old diseases are reappearing, more than 2/3 of us are overweight and there are 147 autoimmune diseases now common that were hardly heard of just 30 years ago. The modern Western diet has people eating a higher proportion of highly processed salt and sugar laden foods, cooked in omega-6 oils (canola and sunflower). The move away from whole to processed foods, and a big focus on “greens”, largely through convenience and lifestyle choice, has meant our bodies are overwhelmed. They have to deal with too much bad stuff and are deficient in a number of key essential nutrients. Naturally, this leads to unwanted health outcomes.
What we don’t realise is that we have unwittingly eaten our way to a depletion of our body’s alkaline reserves and disrupted the Omega 3 to Omega 6 fat ratios. Rather than fix these and restore health, as a population, we have a ridiculous and unnecessary reliance on medication to manage our “health”. For sure, opting for healthier food choices is less convenient, but with a little assistance of a couple of extremely well researched supplements, and minimum other diet and health changes, we can restore health and vitality naturally.
How It Works
Alkaline reserves are key to protecting your health through many metabolic pathways, including most importantly, preventing metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis fatigues the immune system and gives disease a free hit. By rebuilding the buffering capacity in our bodies, and fighting inflammation directly with Omega 3 rich oils, the perpHect balance™ supplement range enables people to restore the balance in our modern diets providing the key ingredients to optimise health. These products have board-spectrum appeal and application from performance athletes to manual labourers to those with a more sedentary lifestyle.
Healthy Food Guide
The Blue Zone project identified that residents in the 5 Blue Zones (world’s longest-lived cultures) had nine common features that lead to longer, healthier, happier lives. Three of those 9 factors related specifically to diet namely:
Not over-eating (stop at 80% full);
Diet was primarily whole plant based (with small meat intakes); and
Moderate and regular intake of alcohol (especially red wine from Grenache or Pinot Noir known for their high levels of polyphenols – anti-oxidants linked to heart health).
When it comes to diet, many whole plant based foods assist the body’s alkaline reserve capacity which is foundational to promoting health naturally. The food guide chart provides a tool to assist those wanting to make healthy food choices in line with alkaline dietary principles.
Download the food chart – where practical choose foods with higher alkaline values!
Healthy Supplements
PerpHect Balance™
Two pivotal products in the PerpHect Balance supplement range involve plugging micro-nutritional gaps to effectively and naturally manage and restore lifetime health and vitality using evidence based principles.
1. ALKA-MI™ (alkalising minerals)
This uniquely formulated supplement is designed to build alkaline reserve capacity in the body. Regardless of your dietary preference, supplementing with ALKA-MI will provide amazing health benefits. All you need is half a teaspoon in a glass of water morning and night to realise some positive changes.
See the product label for directions.
2. OMEGA-3 OILS (balanced omega-3’s)
To maintain health and vitality, the important essential fatty acids like omega3 & omega 6 need to be in a specific ratio. perpHect balance™ Omega-3 oils are meticulously formulated to create the ideal ratio of essential Omega 3 to Omega 6 fats to naturally deliver the much-needed health benefits they provide.
There are products specifically formulated for men, women, athletes and Vegans as each group has differing requirements.
See product label for directions.
Bio-Cleaning Products
Mikro Clean® is a non-poisonous, 2 in 1 deodorising bio-cleaner for kitchens, floors and commercial cleaning situation.
The unique combination of Mikro Clean® ingredients allows for digestion of fats, greases, oils, sugars and similar substances without the use of harmful chemicals.
Product is safe to use around family and pets. Simply spray on and wipe off with a damp cloth or paper wipes.
Alkalising Minerals - perpHect to kickstart an alkaline lifestyle and to ease the after-affects of life’s exertions and minor transgressions.
Mikro Clean® is a non-poisonous, 2 in 1 deodorising bio-cleaner for kitchens, floors and commercial cleaning situation.